Investico is an independent, non- profit platform for thorough and structural investigative journalism

About Investico:

Investico is an independent non-profit organization for investigative journalism. Investico strengthens the rule of law by informing the public with thorough news and research stories.

Investico offers a counterbalance to the short breath and incident focus that often dominate the social debate. We call public administration to account and expose abuses that are kept consciously or unconsciously out of the public eye.

Investico is an independent non-profit foundation, started in 2014. Thanks to our donors, we are not dependent on shareholders, advertisers, 'clicks' or ratings, the fuss of the day or political interests.

Investico editors are given time to work on an investigation for months. Investments are being made in their data journalism skills, allowing them to search deeper.

Investico collaborates annually with more than 25 media partners, regional, national and international, written media and radio and TV. This way we share the costs and reach as many people as possible for the greatest possible impact.

Investico believes investigative journalism is a public good. We make our research method and results available free of charge to other researchers, journalists, scientists and policy makers. On this website we share our research with extensive source references and accountability documents in which we explain how we worked.

To strengthen confidence in journalism, Investico uses a radically transparent method. Our research can be verified based on sources, notes and accountability documents. We provide insight into the codes and data journalism tools used. In our podcast Speurwerk we explain how our journalistic choices are made.

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International publications

‘Ook geen lopende procedures afmaken’ 24.06.2024

Mensenrechten-organisaties: stop onmiddellijk met adopties

Meer dan 50 belangenorganisaties, wetenschappers en (ervarings)deskundigen roepen demissionair minister Weerwind gezamenlijk op om per direct te stoppen met alle lopende adoptieprocedures.

Implicando enorme risco para a amazônia 18.04.2018

Holandeses apoiam megaprojeto para transporte de soja

Dutch support soy transport mega-project, posing major risk to Amazon 01.04.2018

Dutch support soy transport mega-project, posing major risk to Amazon

The Dutch government is helping Brazil to build ports, roads and railways straight through the Amazon. Good for business. But the projects lead to deforestation, land clearing and murder.

Czy największa sieć hipermarketów w holandii wykorzystuje polaków? 07.03.2018

Podejrzenia o wyzysk, zastraszanie, wypadki

Za niepewne wynagrodzenie, pod wielką presją i karami finansowymi tysiące Polaków sortuje towary w magazynie Albert Heijn największej sieci supermarketów w Holandii.

Prigionieri del lavoro 07.03.2018

Prigionieri del lavoro

Interi settori dell’economia olandese si basano sullo sfruttamento degli immigrati, che non possono denunciare le loro condizioni di lavoro. E le autorità fanno finta di non vedere.

La politique de tolérance, une façon de ne pas trancher 31.08.2017

Les coffee-shops, où banquiers et criminels se côtoient

Alors que le Parlement doit se prononcer sur la proposition de loi pour légaliser le cannabis, Investico a mené l’enquête sur les intérêts financiers des coffee-shops.

Inside Unilever’s sustainability myth 19.04.2017

Inside Unilever’s sustainability myth

De nauwe gasrelaties tussen Nederland en Gazprom 26.05.2015

‘Don’t lecture us about Russia’

Russische agressie in Oekraïne en EU-sancties hebben niets veranderd aan onze innige band met Gazprom. Lobbyisten en toekomstige gasleiders praten door over samenwerking met de Russische gassector.

The trade in african football players 24.11.2014

Dreams of Camp Nou

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